The costs of our estates administration services
Our approach to fees
The administration of an estate is varied and no two estates are identical. From estates with only two or three assets, where no Inheritance Tax is payable, to highly complex cross-border estates which may involve substantial lifetime gifts, agricultural and/or business property, and a number of beneficial interests, we recognise that there is no one size fits all when it comes to fees. We take a holistic approach to how we can help you with aspects of the process which breaks down into two stages:
work up to the point of applying and obtaining Grant of Representation – Stage One; and
post-grant matters to conclude the administration – Stage Two.
We offer a two-stage pricing policy to reflect this.
What is involved?
Stage One
Typically this stage will involve:
- Complying with Law Society and governmental regulations, including client identification procedures
- Receiving instructions and considering the validity of the Will (and any codicil(s)) or application of the intestacy rules<
- Advising you on entitlements
- Obtaining from you the information we need in connection with the assets and liabilities of the estate and registering the death with the Bereavement Register
- Ascertaining and confirming details and valuations of the assets and liabilities
- Ascertaining and confirming details of lifetime gifts
- Preparing statutory notices for creditors, if required. The cost of the notices will be an administration expense
- Preparing the Revenue account (IHT400 or IHT205) and supplementary documents and considering and calculating IHT (if applicable)
- Arranging for the payment of tax and the submission of the Revenue account
- Preparing an Oath for executors (or personal representatives) and arranging for the swearing of the papers and submission of the application for probate
- Obtaining the Grant of Probate
How much will it cost?
Our service is very much tailored to your requirements. Where an estate is not taxable and meets certain qualifying criteria to be “excepted” (which will include the majority of estates below the Nil Rate Band threshold (NRB) for inheritance tax or below £1m with full spouse or charity exemptions) then on average our fees to obtain the Grant range from £8,000 - £10,000 plus VAT. The costs are based on our hourly rate as follows:
Legal Assistant £210
Legal Executive £220
Solicitor £360
VAT (if applicable) is charged at the prevailing rate, currently 20%. VAT is chargeable at 20% on probate matters, but may not be if our client is based overseas.
In most cases, where a full IHT return is required in an estate, fees will typically be £10,000 - £14,000 plus VAT.
Where an estate is complex or high value our fees may be higher.
How long will Stage One take?
On average it takes between two to four months from the date of instruction to the point of being able to apply for a Grant of Probate and then a further 16 weeks minimum for receipt of the Grant.
Stage Two
Typically this stage will involve:
- Registering the Grant of Probate with third parties
- Realising the assets of the estate and collecting the proceeds
- Liaising with estate agents (and our residential property team) about the sale of property
- Discharging liabilities
- Making arrangements for the tracing of beneficiaries (as required) and informing identifiable beneficiaries of their entitlements
- Paying legacies and obtaining receipts
- Liaising with HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) (and third parties as required) to agree estate asset values and determine the IHT (and CGT) payable
- Managing the ongoing (and dealing with any final) payments of inheritance tax payable by instalments
- Dealing with the income tax matters to the date of death and for the period of the estate administration (calculating and preparing returns and arranging for the payment of tax arising)
- Preparing full estate accounts and dealing with the distribution of the residue to the beneficiaries
How much will it cost?
On receipt of the Grant of Probate when we have a greater depth of knowledge about the likely progression of the estate then we may be able to provide a tailored quotation for Stage Two. This will be based on our best estimate of the likely time to be spent to conclude the estate. Our hourly rates are as follows:
Legal Assistant: £210
Legal Executive £220
Solicitor: £360
VAT (if applicable) is charged at the prevailing rate, currently 20%. VAT is chargeable at 20% on probate matters, but may not be if our client is based overseas.
How long will Stage Two take?
On average this aspect of the administration can be expected to take a further 4-7 months from receipt of the Grant but this is highly dependent upon the complexities of the estate and the work required to be undertaken.
What factors can affect the costs?
The range of fees set out above can be affected and increased by the following matters:
- Where this firm is appointed as Executor and we undertake, for example, the registration of death, funeral arrangements and house clearance
- Availability of information and level of investigation required
- Co-operation of executors, beneficiaries and information holders
- Any disputes between parties or defective testamentary documents
- Nature and extent of assets and availability of IHT exemptions and reliefs including the NRB (currently £325,000)/any transferable NRB from a pre-deceased spouse or civil partner/ Residence NRB and any Transferrable Residence NRB
- Multi-jurisdictional or trust elements
- Earlier lifetime-giving and the impact of this on the available NRB
- Agricultural or business property
Expenses and additional charges
Expenses and additional charges that you are likely to be required to pay include:
- Probate court fees - If the estate is valued £5,000 or over the fee is £300. If the estate is valued below £5,000 there is no fee. Additional copies of the grant of probate are charged at £1.50 each.
- Swear fee for Oath - Swear Fee £5. Exhibits are charged at £2 per exhibit. Some solicitors may make a higher charge.
- Statutory advertising for creditors in the Gazette and local papers - This fee can vary depending on the charges made by the local newspapers. The range of costs is usually between £92 to £125 (plus VAT at 20%).
- Professional valuations of property, shares and chattels. These fees are dependent on value and quotes are obtained in advance for approval by the executors.
- Land Registry and Land Charges searches - These fees can vary depending on the transaction type and value of the property. Once the specifics are known the Land Registry costs will be provided to the executors.
- Bank transfer charges (£30 plus VAT at 20%)
- Conveyancing fees if real property is to be sold as part of the administration of the estate - please refer to this firm’s costs of conveyancing webpage.
- Accountancy fees for the preparation of income tax and estate returns
Our team
The team who may work on your matter are listed below. Regardless of who works on your matter, they will be supervised by a solicitor.
Annabelle Svedberg - Solicitor Principal
Annabelle has over 10 years’ experience working on probate matters.
Baljit Croucher - Legal Executive
Baljit has over 2 years’ experience working on probate matters.
Kim Sealy - Legal Assistant
Kim Sealy has over 6 years’ experience working on probate matters and is a Graduate of the Chartered Institute of Legal Executives.